The Prayer

I call upon ye, the Dimensions I sense but cannot justify.
I call upon ye, you Guides that lead with unhearable voices.
I call for help !

I was warned not to go into the Naked Forrest,
the Fortress of Hell, the Home of Deciet, the Garden of Lies.
But I did. And now I suffer. For too long, now.

I lost the Faith I was brought up to believe in.
Now, I can’t settle Peace with myself for my own bad Judgement.
Nothing was taken from me but yet I have lost everything.

The Irrationality of Feelings is truly perplexing ! Make it stop !
Please, hidden Masters, show me the Path and I promise
not to enter the Naked Forrest again. Ever.

Whisper me the Map.
Hint me the Direction.
Let the White Light Shine in my Heart again.