Sunday February 25th 2024 I ran the Kilimanjaro Marathon in Tanzania. Find below my full race coverage from this marathon and some tourist impressions from Moshi.
Moshi City and tour to the Materuni Waterfalls and fresh coffee
This was a trip with very little “tourism” involved for my part. Sadly, because Tanzania is abundant with incredible things to do and see, let’s mention the Kilimanjaro Mountain itself alongside with Serengeti and Zanzibar just for starters. My short visit alowed a quick meeting with friends from Tanzania in Moshi Town, a cappucino on the Union Café in Moshi and a half-day visit to the Materni Waterfalls, which was very pleasant and with a few spottings of “wildlife” and coffee beans. Should I return to Tanzania another time, I would put aside at least 10 or 14 days to really explore this vast and fertile country.
Kilimanjaro Marathon 2024
The event carried both the full marathon, a half marathon and a 5 K Fun Run. The marathon took off at 06.30 hours from the Moshi University Stadion and with a steady climb right from the beginning. Things got worse and worse again and overall this marathon is one of the toughest I have ever done, temperatures to rise to well above 30 degrees C late in the race for us slow runners. Nevertheless, the Organizers had relaxed the time limit of initially 6 hours, I used this to simply to walk to the finish, not risking anything health wise. “Kili” is the biggest running event in Tanzania and fameous as such, the runners in Tanzania return to the event year after year, big late parties are held etc. Realistically, this was my one and only attempt.

See or relive the Kilimanjaro Marathon 2024 here (and in Swahili)