Month: November 2007

You create your own difficulties !

I have touched upon Seth/Jane Robert before and I will do so again for sure. Why ? Because I find these teachings and hinsights highly inspirational… let alone the book “The Nature of Personal Reality” contains so much powerful material that you need this and no other book to transform your life entirely if you wish ! I talk from experience.

Here comes a quote on the mechanism of f***ing things up, something many people do.. often based on their own self-negativity and low self esteem, neurotic anxiety and so on. You may think the outside world is ‘bad’ or not living up to your ideals, well, maybe you don’t live up to them (or rather, think you don’t). Why think the ideal world exists, anyways … it don’t, for anyone. Be real, be human, be happy !

You create your own difficulties. This is true for each individual. The inner psychological state is projected outward, gaining physical reality — and this regardless of the nature of the psychological state. … The rules apply to everyone. You can use them for your own benefit and change your own conditions once you realize what they are.

50 marathons in 22 months !

Well, I guess it is nothing extraordinary after all… but it counts a bit for me ! 

This past Saturday, I completed my marathon number 60 since my debut in May 2004, and the race was my marathon number 50 within 22 calendar months (actually, run number 51 in the timespan of the past 22 months).

Well, it changes nothing, really… the important thing is always the next run… and I take one run at a time. I enjoy one run at a time.

Surely, as time passes by… experience and numbers do add up… but I tend to focus on… “this run”, i.e. being in the present moment.