Love !

Im beginning to think or realize that the concept of ‘Love’ between Man and Woman is just crap.

Rather, it is an extension of Sex, simply.

Alternatively, an extension from puberty into manhood, an escape from anxiety and self short-commings, a childhood’s nest-like continuation of feeling Safe. It has more to do with your own neurologic constitution rather than the real qualities of your partner. The *Love* might be outspoken… but words are not feelings and neither truly exist by their own… they are given life *by you* … and only in YOUR INTERPRETATION converted into your feelings. Change the interpretation, the feelings change. See ? 

So… no, I do not believe in Love between Man and Woman. Sex ? Yes. Shelter ? Yes. Anxiety ? Yes. Convenience ? Yes. Habits ? Yes ! Love ? NO !

Quite another thing is the Love for your off-spring. This is the true kind of Love that exists ! This is the Love overcoming all obstacles, this is the Love not to be questioned. Ever ! The Love for your Children…. the strongest concept in th World… and smartly picked up by the Christian Church (and many others), right ? The basis for the concept of Humanity as well. Just take a look at the Hoyt’s here…and see, if you can hold back the tears and disprove my thesis.

Yeah, strong stuff !

In conclusion: who (really) cares about partners ? They come and go during a lifetime and are mostly just good for either killing time (it is called “Sex”) or proviting you the needed Children. All this may sound sound bad to you, I know, but I think these are the bottom-line facts interpreted in the broad perspective. The perspective of a Lifetime.