The World as I know It

Having reached a certain age and experience I have decided how the World must be. The World as I know It.

This World is the perfect World not only to me but to the whole World. For generations, people all over the Globe will copy my World. Megastores with ‘Tor Rønnow’-items will replace common trade as we know of it as yet, people will buy clothings like I have etc. and bookstores will contain only one book, the book of My Thoughts for everyone to read and follow. Darwin will be replaced by me and the law of ‘The Survival of The Most Similar’. Everyone must be like me ! Then, I feel safe.

The World as I know It is advanced to such a degree of Perfection that no progress can be made. My World offer no new possibilities and allows no variety in neither taste, personal habits, preferences or lines of thought. Why should it ? My World is already Perfect ! At least, I think so.. and you should never challenge that.

Thus, for eons and eons to come, My World will be replicated and relived again and again… by millions and millions of humans. No change is ever needed, The World as I know It is home safe and can perpetuate itself forever.

But wait a minute – what happens if I change my mind ?

The whole World changes !