Month: December 2009

Illusion-bogey by Tiger Woods

Poor Tiger Woods ! Not only is he – seemingly – facing problems in his marriage (who isn’t ?) and rumors about adultry (who isn’t ?), he must live with the entire World reading in on this… including this note as well. Bad stuff, Tiger, bad stuff !

Or maybe not !

Maybe Tiger is a good example on how prone we humans tend to be towards ‘nice’ illusions and our pathetic tendency to ignore REALITY. Like for example the illusion of life-long fidelity and the happy everafter for man & woman. Why do we buy in on that, still, in the 21th century ? Do we want to feel secure ? Wake up, kids… there is no such thing as certainty… just as little as the lust of the human bodies can be controlled over a lifespan. So why pretend ?

We all know this.. the question is how we choose to deal with it and react. Do we confront life as it really is – IMPERPECT – or do we keep still in our neurotic lifelies to feel warm and comfy ? I believe most people do. Personally, these days, I prefer to freeze, metaphorically speaking, and I will rather run screaming away than getting tied to arrangements that really don’t support my true Nature, lifestyle, goals and values. Life has become too short for that kind of illusions.

Not that I don’t like being tied up 😉 I guess I’m just one of the few guys admitting that I prefer the freedom to choose by whom from time to time. So hell, who cares about Tiger and all that… he has a life to live too… give him peace… and remember, that noone should ever become half-Gods to steer the lifestyle for anyone… and that would include your garden-fascistic neighbours, your friends, your colleagues or whatever. Perfect is an abstraction.. and don’t let anyone tell you anything else. Not even Tiger Woods !