Search your Feelings

Music, literature and movies all possess the power to affect us in very deep ways. We call it “art” when we are left truly altered and “reborn” in some aspect. Thus, “The Godfather” was the “I Ching” for (american) men for a generation and the “Star Wars” sequel continue to thrill and engage each new batch of youngsters and spectators alike. The concept of “The Force” is timeless and pervades all cultural and religious barriors that may otherwise be in the World. The idea that all matter, energy, is connected is not only intuitively straight-forward and emotionally strong, it is also a scientific “fact” and a brutal dictator of consequences in both the world’s economy and the globe’s ecology. We are one !

Now, this post is not about the outer world nor the Globe. It is about your inner world and your psychology and your feelings. Your feelings point you to the important issues in your life, to your dreams, your fears, your friends and your enemies, escpecially your imaginary enemies which/whom may in fact be artificial products of your own nerveous system. Only you know. So, as it is said very powerfully by Darth Vader: “Search your feelings” ! What this may cover is also: search your subconscious. I do not have the latest scientific data on this matter but from what I understand from the headlines of the material emerging more and more these past decades, it is likely that our brain, our subconscious, recordes and stores as good as everything exposed to it. Millions and millions of bits of data, of experiences, of words, of colours, of scents, of sounds, all the good and all the bad that you have ever been involved with. This is, if true, incredible in itself but what is of greater importance and for you to act on is: it also governs all the decisions you have made, ever since your childhood. And let’s face it: your Reality is first and foremost the product of your own decisions. There are no real limits, psycologically, for a human in this world. We all live in our own created fences. We can all, potentially, remove these fences. We just need to identify them and evaluate if we still believe that thay exist or are useful to us. Most often, they are not. The fence you needed in a given situation or period of your life, most likely childhood, is probably not relevant anymore. So you may uninstall it and install a new and better one. You must change – change your beliefs. So, search your beliefs, keep the useful ones, change the bad or dysfunctional ones. It may sound simple – and it may be just that ! Simple.

In fact, your can inspect your outer world to examine what your subconscious holds. It is very likely that your outer, physical reality directly reflects your deep subconscious decisions or beliefs about the world. Please understand that this covers “for normal people”. I am not talking about people living under extreme situations such as in extreme poverty, war zones or being patologically sick. I talk about normal people like you and me being able to read this in the first place. So… find something in your outer world that you dislike… and then… Search your feelings ! Be honsest to yourself, really honest. Does this outer world “thing” correspond to the belief you hold yourself, deep down ? Does it align with your actions, your thoughts, your beliefs, your feelings ? Does it ?

Well… most proably yes. Do your want to change it ? Then you must revise something. You must unlearn the learned (as Yoda says). You must create your new Reality. Doing this may involve a lot of work, it may cost you… but rest asured that if you don’t act, nothing changes. Surely, it may require help and supervision from others to accomplish your change, you may need help from a psychologist to understand and heal your childhood wounds and dysfunctionlities (we all have these, all !), you may need coaching to improve your self-esteem, your may need a physical trainer and programme to change your diet and body etc., all this is trivial, what is not is the fact that YOU roll all this to happen. Because YOU decide to. Other people do this, some more natural than others but other people do. So why not you too ? Do you still finds doubts in yourself ? Seach your feelings why ! Only you hae the power to either keep or change your interpretation of your Reality, in fact, your Reality is not an objective experienced Truth, it is your subjective interpretation. Change your beliefs (or your feelings) and your Reality changes. It is that simple.

I may elaborate more on this, for now I wish you a Happy New Year 2013, let it be a truly new year in your life.