Reaching for a Fourier-Transformed State of Grace

In Mathematics there is a special set of functions called Fourier-Transformations for which the outcome points have the special property to possess information of all the other points.

Would’nt it be great if we could assess such a spiritual state ? To be able in each moment to remember, rely on and act accordingly to the entire learnings of our lifetimes, to have instant access to the writings of the World Literature, to the notes of the Great Composers, to the colors and curves of the genious artists and to the feeling and sounds of Nature itself, from the high mountains to the endless sea ?

To be able to act out of wisdom and love in each second. To me, this is the quest !

To me, certain places and certain things immediately brings me to the State of Grace. The smiling eyes of my Children, the Norwegian mountains, a square in Rome… and, most conveniently, different pieces of music !

So… if I die now… or I do not see ‘you’ again… I will be right here… ouch !