The Illusion of Perfection

The Nature is not Perfect. There is no such thing as a perfect crystal or a 100 % ideal weather forecast 😉 Well, there is not.

We Humans tend live by the Illusion of ‘Perfect’. The perfect life – the perfect education, the perfect house, the perfect partner, the perfect carreer an so on. However, all things only lasts a brief minute on the great Timeline of the Universe. Perfection is a short joy, at best. Perfection is an abstraction, perhaps a fatal one. You may waste your life in the persuit of it – instead of enjoying the real world and your life as it is. 

What is the use of being a perfect mouse in lieu of the concept of ‘Cat’ ?
Who is bigger - the imperfect cat or the perfect mouse ?

Similarly, what is the joy of being the perfect human considering the concept of e.g. cancer ? The concept of war… of poverty… of racism…of not having a chance in life….of loosing your loved ones ? Not to mention the unavoidable concept of Time, the great force that transforms the World and our experiences each second, ultimately taking our lives and bringing us back into the great circulation of matter (and, perhaps, who knows, Souls). What is ‘Perfection’ in these contexts ?